Prepare For Landing

The months that followed after leaving my sisters and mom were hard.  I was really enjoying the life I was living with my dad, but it felt like a part of me was missing. I was having to find a new normal, and as a child that is not an easy thing to do. I missed my sisters so much that my heart ached. I longed to hear their laughter, and play with them. I didn’t  really know what life should look like without them in it. Going from having everyday with them to not even hearing their voice was very hard for me. I knew they were with my mom, but I didn’t know a lot of the details. One thing that I did know was that life was not the same without them.

I was adjusting to being an only child, and living with my dad. Dad and I were learning this whole parenting thing together.   I enjoyed the sense of security and comfort I felt. A weight I didn’t even know I was carrying had been lifted from my chest. For once I  didn’t have to be the responsible one. I didn’t have to worry about everyone else, and their well being.  This part of my new life felt good; however, I would be lying if I didn’t say a  little part of me missed that responsibility because that was all I had ever known. Now my biggest worries were making new friends, getting good grades, and finishing my chores. The typical things that kids should have to worry about. It was nice to live as a child for the brief time that I stayed with my dad; however, I was about to learn that all good things eventually come to an end.


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