Choose To Forgive

Have you ever been so mad at someone that you never wanted to see them again? Maybe someone has betrayed you so deeply that you just can’t imagine ever forgiving them. I get it. I have been there more than once in my lifetime, as I am sure you have as well. There was a point in my life where forgiveness was not a word in my vocabulary. I had been hurt over and over again, and there was just no way I would ever forgive this person. Now that would have been the easy thing to do, but here is why I chose to forgive.

I did not do it because I am a better person. I didn’t choose to forgive because I am kind and have a big heart, NO. I chose to forgive for selfish reasons. I chose to forgive because I am not the better person. I decided it was time to forgive for one very simple reason. I did not want this person to die one day, and leave me feeling guilty for not forgiving them. I could not imagine the pain and guilt I would feel if something happened to them, and I had never spoken three simple words, “I forgive you”. I did it because I did not want that on my conscience for the rest of my life. So you see it was for selfish reasons that I chose to forgive.

A funny thing happened when I finally let go, and forgave the wrongs that had been done to me. I actually felt a huge weight lifted off of me, a weight I did not even know I was carrying. I felt a sense of calm, and happiness that I had not felt in quite awhile. I realized that by not forgiving this person, I was allowing them power over me. They had control over a  part of my heart. By forgiving them I took back that power and control.

Forgiving doesn’t mean forgetting. I will never forget the pain, and hurtful things that were done, but I will no longer let those things have control over me. Everyone deserves forgiveness because we all make mistakes. So if for no other reason, chose to forgive for YOU.



  1. Kelly and Sue Richlin says:

    Tasha~. You are an inspiration to those who know you. Your a better Wife and Mother, because of the adversity in your life that has made you the loving woman you are today!💕💕

    1. TashaTurner says:

      Thank you so much for your kind words. I miss you both and hope all is well.

  2. Becky says:

    Wow- such a timely post- just talking about forgivness and guilt this weekend

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