Living The Dream

You always hear stories about celebrities who came from humble beginnings, and are now famous stars. They had a dream and they never gave up on that dream. They worked tirelessly to accomplish great things. Even having been rejected several times they still persisted. Some of these celebrities may have even started out playing in a local bar for little to nothing. Then one day they were discovered. Somehow crossing  paths with the one who believes in them. One day their life changes. All the longs night, tireless days, and hard work means something. It took just that one time they happened to be in the right place at the right time.  It took just that one person to recognize their talent and make them a star. Now they are famous and living out their dreams.

We call these people  the “lucky ones”. The truth of the matter is, luck was only a small part of the whole picture. Hard work, determination, and one person  believing in them got them to that point in their life. I may not be famous, and I am surely not a celebrity, but I too had big dreams, and was determined to attain those dreams. Prepared to do whatever it took to achieve my dreams.

When I was in 7th grade, I crossed paths with the one who believed in me. She was more than just a teacher to me. She was the light into my dim world.  I decided right then and there that  I wanted to be a teacher. It was the one thing I wanted to do more than anything else. I wanted to be the light in someones life like she was in mine.  I have never changed my mind about teaching, and  I know teaching was what I was meant to do.

One of my dreams was to have a  safe place to live someday. A place no one could take away. Somewhere  I could always go and feel safe. I dreamed of someday having enough money to go to a store and buy food without worrying about how to pay for it. I wanted to know that someday  I would never have to worry about being hungry and not having food. These dreams may seem small to some, and they are not near as exciting as being a star, but to me they were big dreams.

Everyday I look at my life and the things I have. I pinch myself just to make sure this isn’t all just a dream.  I  feel so lucky and blessed. I was able to accomplish my goals, and live out my dreams because of people placed in my life, and my determination to keep going. I wasn’t discovered by someone, but someone did believe in me. Someone saw my potential and helped me to see it too. I became a teacher because a teacher  “discovered me”. She saw something in me that I did not see. She believed in me and gave me  hope.  It is important to always have dreams, and  never give up on those dreams. You  never know when someone or something will be placed in your life that will help you reach your dreams. You might also be that “one”  for someone else.  Never give up, and always “dare to dream”.


  1. Cherie says:

    Your writing is beautiful! You are an answer to prayers for the kind of teacher I wanted for my kids ❤️ Little dreams and requests that get answered in my life mean everything to me too.

    1. TashaTurner says:


      You are so sweet, thank you so much for your kind words. Your words mean more to me than you will ever know. I feel like being a teacher has been one of the greatest blessings in my life. Thank you for sharing your amazing child with me.

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